Proline Five Stage RO System

Reverse Osmosis Systems

Proline 5-Stage RO Compatible Replacement Filters

Compatible replacement filters and parts for the Proline Five-Stage RO system are available here at huge cost savings. These aftermarket filters are high quality and will produce pristine drinking water for your household. The Proline 5 Stage RO system features a 5 micron sediment filter, a granular activated carbon pre-filter, a 5 micron carbon block pre-filter, a 50 GPD TLC membrane, and an inline 5 micron granular activated carbon post filter. This reverse osmosis system uses a sediment filter, granular activated carbon (GAC) and carbon block pre-filter to reduce sediment, chlorine and chlorine by-products before the membrane filters out impurities larger than .001 microns. The GAC post filter treats for taste and odor.

Replacement Filter Info

Sediment Filter (93023) - Replace every 6-12 months or as needed

Carbon Block Filter (OCB934RO T33) – Replace every 6-12 months or as needed

Carbon Block Filter (OMB934-5M) – Replace every 6-12 months or as needed

RO Membrane TFC 50 GPD (200359) – Replace every 24 months or as needed

Inline Carbon Filter (CL10ROT33-BB) – Replace every 6-12 months or as needed

Helpful Filter Information

Not all filters have the same replacement schedule. Replace the RO membrane filter every two years. Replace all other filters every 6-12 months. Help keep your system sanitary by never using filters longer than 12 months, except the RO membrane filter, regardless of how much water you use.

Filter Replacement Schedule

We’ve taken the guesswork out of replacing your filters. Begin a filter replacement cycle by replacing all filters on your system (Filter Kit "YSM"). The following year, or sooner if recommended by the manufacturer, replace all filters except the RO membrane (Filter Kit "YS"). Repeat this cycle by following the helpful diagram below.