Rainsoft Ultrefiner II Three Stage RO System

Reverse Osmosis Systems

Rainsoft Ultrefiner II 3-Stage RO Compatible Replacement Filters

The Rainsoft Ultrefiner II is Rainsoft's latest Reverse Osmosis system and requires proprietary filters that are only available from a Rainsoft dealer. The replacement filters are typically very expensive. If your Rainsoft reverse osmosis system is from 2013 or newer, it most likely is the Ultrefiner II.

SAVE MONEY and convert your system with a PuROTwist Manifold & Filter kit PT3000T50-SS-RK.

Keep your existing faucet, tank, and tubing, then simply add the PuROTwist filters and manifold. Begin SAVING MONEY on your future replacement filters today by switching to the PT3000T50-SS-RK retrofit kit and PuROTwist filters!