PRO-RO 6-Stage Reverse Osmosis System

Reverse Osmosis Systems

PRO-RO 6-Stage RO Compatible Replacement Filters

The Pelican PRO-RO 6-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System features a 4 stage RO membrane in a single cartridge with a 2-stage granular activated carbon post-polishing filter. This cutting edge technology provides trouble free service. The high flow membrane also ensures faster tank refilling. This system features a compact size for simple installation under your sink.

*Because the required reverse osmosis membrane has been discontinued, we highly recommend replacing your current system with AXEON Solo All-In-One for the same high-quality water you have come to expect.

Replacement Filter Info

4 Stage RO Membrane (104863/206681 - Discontinued) – Replace every 12 months

Carbon Block Filter (104851/K2333-KK) – Replace every 6 months

Helpful Filter Information

Not all filters have the same replacement schedule. Replace the RO membrane filter every two years. Replace all other filters every 6-12 months. Help keep your system sanitary by never using filters longer than 12 months, except the RO membrane filter, regardless of how much water you use.

Manuals & Instructions